starfield how to join house varun

Joining House Varun in Starfield can be an exciting journey for players seeking unique alliances and adventures. In this guide, we’ll cover the steps you need to take to become a member of House Varun, along with tips and strategies to make the process smooth and enjoyable.

Step 1: Meet the Requirements

Before you can join House Varun, you’ll need to meet certain prerequisites. Ensure that your character:

  • Has reached at least level 10.
  • Completed the main quest line up to the “Interstellar Diplomacy” mission.
  • Possesses a positive reputation with the associated factions.


Step 2: Locate the House Varun Representative

Once you’ve met the requirements, you need to find the House Varun representative. They are usually found in major cities or specific locations related to the main quest. Check your in-game map for markers or ask NPCs for directions.

Step 3: Initiate the Quest

After locating the representative, initiate the quest to join House Varun. The representative will provide you with a series of tasks that need to be completed to prove your worth. These tasks may include:

  • Combat challenges
  • Resource gathering
  • Diplomacy missions

Step 4: Complete the Initial Tasks

Focus on completing the initial tasks assigned by the representative. These tasks are designed to test your skills and loyalty to House Varun. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Combat Challenges: Use a combination of ranged and melee attacks to deal with enemies efficiently. Remember to upgrade your weapons and armor.
  • Resource Gathering: Explore different planets and asteroids to collect the required resources. Use your scanner to locate valuable materials quickly.
  • Diplomacy Missions: Pay attention to dialogue options and choose responses that align with House Varun’s values and goals.

Step 5: Final Trial

After completing the initial tasks, you will be given a final trial. This trial is the ultimate test of your abilities and loyalty. It may involve a significant battle or a complex mission that requires strategic thinking and cooperation with other NPCs.

Step 6: Officially Join House Varun

Upon successful completion of the final trial, return to the House Varun representative. They will officially welcome you into the house, granting you access to unique rewards, missions, and storylines. Celebrate your achievement and start exploring the new opportunities available to you as a member of House Varun.

Tips for Success

  • Upgrade Regularly: Ensure your gear and skills are up to date to handle the challenges presented during the quest.
  • Build Alliances: Work with other factions and NPCs to gain support and resources.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on in-game updates and community forums for any changes or additional tips related to joining House Varun.


Joining House Varun in Starfield opens up a wealth of new adventures and opportunities. By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges and become a valued member of this prestigious house. Enjoy your journey and make the most of your new alliances!

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