how to join randoms in helldivers 3

Helldivers 3 is an action-packed, cooperative twin-stick shooter that emphasizes teamwork and strategy. Playing with random players, or “randoms,” can enhance your gaming experience by adding variety and new challenges. This guide will walk you through the steps to join randoms in Helldivers 3, ensuring you can easily connect with other players and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Why Join Randoms in Helldivers 3?

Joining random players in Helldivers 3 offers several benefits:

  • Diverse Experiences: Playing with different players brings new strategies and approaches to the game.
  • Improved Skills: Learning from others can help you improve your own gameplay.
  • Increased Fun: Meeting and collaborating with new people adds excitement to the game.

Steps to Join Randoms in Helldivers 3

1. Ensure You Have a Stable Internet Connection

Before attempting to join random players, make sure your internet connection is stable. A strong connection is crucial for seamless multiplayer gameplay.

  • Check Your Connection: Use online tools to test your internet speed and stability.
  • Reduce Interference: Ensure other devices on your network aren’t consuming too much bandwidth.

2. Launch Helldivers 3 and Access Multiplayer Mode

To join randoms in Helldivers 3, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Game: Launch Helldivers 3 from your console or PC.
  2. Navigate to Multiplayer: From the main menu, select the multiplayer option.

3. Choose Quick Match

Helldivers 3 offers a Quick Match feature that allows you to join games with random players easily:

  1. Select Quick Match: In the multiplayer menu, choose the Quick Match option. This will automatically pair you with other players looking for a game.
  2. Wait for Matchmaking: The game will search for available matches and connect you with a group of random players.

4. Adjust Matchmaking Preferences

You can customize your matchmaking preferences to improve your experience:

  • Region Preferences: Select your preferred region to reduce latency and improve connection quality.
  • Difficulty Level: Choose a difficulty level that matches your skill and preference.
  • Game Mode: Select the game mode you wish to play to ensure you join matches that suit your playstyle.

5. Communicate with Your Team

Effective communication is key to success in Helldivers 3. Use these tips to coordinate with your random teammates:

  • In-Game Chat: Use the in-game chat feature to communicate strategies and share important information.
  • Voice Chat: If available, use voice chat to enhance coordination and response times.
  • Non-Verbal Cues: Use in-game signals and actions to communicate when voice or text chat is not possible.

6. Be a Team Player

Playing with randoms requires adaptability and cooperation. Follow these tips to be a valuable team member:

  • Follow Team Strategies: Pay attention to team strategies and contribute effectively.
  • Assist Teammates: Help teammates in need, whether it’s reviving them or providing cover.
  • Share Resources: Distribute resources and equipment fairly to ensure everyone is well-equipped.

7. Learn from Each Game

Playing with random players can be unpredictable. Use each game as a learning opportunity:

  • Analyze Gameplay: Reflect on each match to identify what strategies worked and what didn’t.
  • Improve Skills: Practice and improve your skills based on the experiences and tactics you observe.

Tips for a Better Multiplayer Experience

Optimize Your Setup

A smooth gaming experience requires the right setup:

  • Hardware: Ensure your console or PC meets the game’s system requirements.
  • Accessories: Use a good headset for clear communication and comfortable gameplay.

Stay Positive and Patient

Playing with randoms can sometimes be challenging. Maintain a positive attitude and patience to enjoy the game fully:

  • Stay Calm: Remain calm during frustrating situations.
  • Encourage Teammates: Support and encourage your teammates to boost morale.

Report Issues

If you encounter disruptive players or technical issues, use the in-game reporting tools to notify the developers:

  • Report Players: Use the reporting feature to flag disruptive or toxic behavior.
  • Submit Bug Reports: Report any bugs or technical issues to help improve the game.

Common Questions About Joining Randoms in Helldivers 3

Can I join a game with friends and randoms?

Yes, you can create a party with your friends and use the Quick Match feature to fill the remaining slots with random players.

What should I do if I experience lag or connection issues?

Ensure your internet connection is stable and reduce bandwidth usage by other devices. If issues persist, consider playing during off-peak hours to reduce server load.

How can I improve my matchmaking experience?

Adjust your matchmaking preferences to suit your skill level and region. This can help you find better matches and reduce latency.


Joining randoms in Helldivers 3 can significantly enhance your gaming experience by providing diverse interactions and new challenges. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily connect with other players and enjoy the full cooperative experience that Helldivers 3 offers. Remember to communicate effectively, be a team player, and continuously learn from each game to improve your skills. Enjoy your adventures in the Helldivers universe!

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