how to join a sorority

Joining a sorority can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your college life. Sororities offer opportunities for personal growth, lifelong friendships, and community service. This guide will help you understand how to join a sorority, covering the recruitment process, requirements, and tips for success.

What is a Sorority?

A sorority is a social organization for women in colleges and universities. These groups focus on fostering friendship, leadership, and academic excellence among their members. They also engage in various philanthropic activities, contributing to the community and various causes.

Benefits of Joining a Sorority

  1. Lifelong Friendships: Sororities create a supportive network of sisters who share common goals and values.
  2. Leadership Opportunities: Sororities offer numerous leadership roles, helping you develop essential skills.
  3. Academic Support: Many sororities provide academic resources, study groups, and mentorship.
  4. Community Service: Participate in philanthropic activities and give back to the community.
  5. Networking: Access to a vast network of alumni who can offer career advice and opportunities.

Understanding the Recruitment Process

1. Research and Preparation

a. Learn About Sororities on Your Campus

  1. Research Online: Visit your university’s Greek life website to get information on the sororities available.
  2. Talk to Current Members: Reach out to current sorority members to learn about their experiences.

b. Meet the Requirements

  1. GPA Requirements: Ensure you meet the minimum GPA requirement set by the sorority.
  2. Credit Hours: Some sororities require a minimum number of credit hours to be eligible.

2. Recruitment Events

a. Informal Recruitment (Continuous Open Bidding)

  1. Definition: Informal recruitment occurs outside of the formal recruitment period and is less structured.
  2. Participation: Attend events hosted by sororities to get to know members in a relaxed setting.

b. Formal Recruitment

  1. Registration: Sign up for formal recruitment through your university’s Greek life office.
  2. Recruitment Week: Participate in a series of events designed to help sororities and potential new members get to know each other.

3. The Recruitment Process

a. Open House or First Round

  1. Purpose: Meet members from all participating sororities and learn about their values and activities.
  2. Duration: Usually the shortest round, with brief introductions.

b. Philanthropy Round

  1. Focus: Learn about each sorority’s philanthropic efforts and community service projects.
  2. Interaction: Engage in conversations about your interests and how you can contribute.

c. Sisterhood Round

  1. Activities: Participate in activities that showcase the sorority’s sisterhood and values.
  2. Goal: Get a deeper understanding of each sorority’s culture and bond with members.

d. Preference Round

  1. Significance: This is the final round, where you visit your top-choice sororities.
  2. Reflection: Reflect on which sorority aligns best with your values and goals.

4. Bid Day

a. Receiving a Bid

  1. Definition: A bid is an invitation to join a sorority.
  2. Acceptance: If you receive a bid, decide if you want to accept and become a new member.

b. Joining a Sorority

  1. New Member Period: Learn about the sorority’s history, values, and expectations.
  2. Initiation: Complete the new member period and participate in the initiation ceremony to become an active member.

Tips for a Successful Recruitment

1. Be Yourself

Authenticity is key. Sororities want to get to know the real you, so be genuine in your interactions.

2. Dress Appropriately

Each recruitment event has a specific dress code. Ensure you dress appropriately and comfortably for each round.

3. Ask Questions

Show interest by asking questions about the sorority’s values, activities, and expectations. This will help you make an informed decision.

4. Stay Positive

The recruitment process can be stressful, but maintaining a positive attitude will help you stay focused and make a good impression.

5. Keep an Open Mind

You may have a preferred sorority, but keeping an open mind throughout the process can lead to discovering the best fit for you.


Joining a sorority is a significant decision that can enrich your college experience. By understanding the recruitment process and preparing effectively, you can find a sorority that aligns with your values and goals. Remember to be yourself, ask questions, and keep an open mind. Good luck with your sorority journey!

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