how to join a discord call on ps5

Discord has become the go-to platform for gamers worldwide, offering seamless voice and text communication. With the PlayStation 5 (PS5) gaining popularity, many gamers are looking to enhance their gaming experience by joining Discord calls directly from their console. This guide will provide you with a detailed, step-by-step approach to joining a Discord call on your PS5.

Why Use Discord on PS5?

Discord offers a robust communication platform that enhances the multiplayer gaming experience. Whether you’re coordinating strategies, catching up with friends, or just enjoying some casual gaming, Discord provides a reliable and high-quality voice chat service.




Prerequisites for Joining a Discord Call on PS5

Before we dive into the steps, ensure you have the following:

  1. A PS5 Console: Ensure your PS5 is set up and connected to the internet.
  2. A Discord Account: You need an active Discord account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for free on the Discord website.
  3. A Mobile Device or PC: While the PS5 doesn’t support Discord natively, you can use a mobile device or PC to bridge the gap.

Step-by-Step Guide to Joining a Discord Call on PS5

1. Setting Up Discord on Your Mobile Device or PC

a. Download the Discord App

If you haven’t already, download the Discord app on your mobile device or PC. You can find it on the App Store, Google Play, or the official Discord website.

b. Log In to Your Discord Account

Open the Discord app and log in to your account using your credentials.

2. Linking Your PS5 to Discord

a. Open the Discord App

Launch the Discord app on your mobile device or PC.

b. Go to User Settings

Click on the gear icon next to your username to open the User Settings menu.

c. Navigate to Connections

In the User Settings menu, select “Connections.”

d. Add PlayStation Network

Look for the PlayStation Network icon and click on it. Follow the prompts to link your PS5 account to Discord. You’ll need to log in to your PlayStation Network account to complete this step.

3. Joining a Discord Call

a. Start the Discord Call on Your Mobile Device or PC

Open the Discord app and join a voice channel or initiate a call with your friends.

b. Set Up Remote Play on Your PS5

To get the audio from your PS5 into your Discord call, you’ll need to use the Remote Play feature.

c. Download and Set Up PS Remote Play

  1. Download the PS Remote Play app on your mobile device or PC.
  2. Open the app and log in with your PlayStation Network credentials.
  3. Follow the instructions to link your PS5 to the Remote Play app.

d. Connect Your Headset

  1. Using a Dual Output Device: If you have a headset with dual audio output (Bluetooth and wired), connect the Bluetooth to your mobile device or PC and the wired connection to your PS5 controller.
  2. Using a Splitter: Alternatively, use an audio splitter to connect your headset to both your mobile device or PC and your PS5 controller.

4. Configuring Audio Settings

a. Adjust Discord Audio

In the Discord app, adjust the audio settings to ensure you can hear and communicate clearly with your friends.

b. Adjust PS5 Audio

On your PS5, go to Settings > Sound > Audio Output and configure the settings to optimize your gaming and call experience.

5. Enhancing Your Experience

a. Use Quality Headsets

For the best audio experience, use a high-quality gaming headset that supports both your PS5 and mobile device or PC.

b. Stable Internet Connection

Ensure your internet connection is stable to avoid any disruptions during your gaming and Discord calls.

c. Manage Notifications

To avoid interruptions, manage your notifications on both Discord and your PS5. Mute unnecessary notifications to stay focused on your game and conversation.

Common Troubleshooting Tips

1. Audio Issues

If you’re experiencing audio issues, ensure your headset is properly connected and configured. Check the audio settings on both your PS5 and Discord app.

2. Connection Problems

If you’re having trouble with the Remote Play connection, make sure both your PS5 and mobile device or PC are on the same network. Restarting your devices can also help resolve connectivity issues.

3. Discord Account Linking Issues

If you’re unable to link your PlayStation Network account to Discord, double-check your login credentials and ensure your accounts are in good standing. Reinstalling the Discord app may also help.


Joining a Discord call on your PS5 may require a few additional steps, but the enhanced gaming experience makes it worthwhile. By following this comprehensive guide, you can seamlessly integrate Discord into your PS5 gaming sessions, allowing for better communication and collaboration with your friends. Enjoy your gaming sessions with crystal-clear audio and stay connected with your gaming community on Discord.

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