How to Join Empire Distribution

Empire Distribution is a leading music distribution company that offers independent artists the opportunity to distribute their music to a global audience. Joining Empire Distribution can be a game-changer for musicians looking to expand their reach and grow their fan base. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of joining Empire Distribution, providing you with all the information you need to kickstart your music career.

Understanding Empire Distribution:

Before diving into the process of joining Empire Distribution, it’s essential to understand what the company offers and how it operates. Empire Distribution provides distribution, marketing, and promotion services to independent artists, allowing them to distribute their music across various digital platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and more. Additionally, Empire offers artists access to its extensive network of industry contacts, helping them to maximize their exposure and opportunities within the music industry.

Step 1: Prepare Your Music:

Before submitting your music to Empire Distribution, ensure that it meets the required standards for quality and readiness. This includes having professionally recorded and mastered tracks, high-quality album artwork, and any necessary metadata such as track titles, artist names, and release dates.

Step 2: Research Empire Distribution:

Take the time to research Empire Distribution thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with their services, pricing structure, and any requirements or guidelines for submitting music. Additionally, explore the artists currently signed to Empire and the types of music they specialize in distributing.

Step 3: Submit Your Music: Once you feel confident that your music is ready for distribution and that Empire Distribution is the right fit for you, it’s time to submit your music. Visit the Empire Distribution website and navigate to the submissions page. Follow the instructions provided to upload your music, along with any additional materials requested.

Step 4: Wait for Review:

After submitting your music, you’ll need to wait for Empire Distribution to review your submission. This process may take some time, so be patient and avoid contacting them repeatedly for updates. While you wait, continue to focus on creating and promoting your music independently.

Step 5: Negotiate Terms:

If Empire Distribution expresses interest in working with you, they will reach out to discuss the terms of your distribution agreement. Take the time to review the contract carefully and negotiate any terms that you’re not comfortable with. Ensure that you fully understand the terms of the agreement before signing.

Step 6: Sign the Agreement:

Once you’ve negotiated the terms to your satisfaction, it’s time to sign the distribution agreement with Empire. Be sure to follow their instructions for signing and returning the contract promptly to expedite the process.

Step 7: Begin Distribution:

Congratulations! You’re now officially part of Empire Distribution. Work closely with their team to finalize the details of your release and prepare for distribution across digital platforms. Take advantage of Empire’s marketing and promotion services to maximize the impact of your release and reach a wider audience.


Joining Empire Distribution can open doors for independent artists looking to take their music career to the next level. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process of joining Empire Distribution with confidence and start reaching new fans around the world. Remember to stay focused on creating great music and building your brand, and success will follow.

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